The Vintage Fashion Guild turns 20 this year, and while its educational offerings grow, expenses grow too. Your support can help keep the VFG’s resources free to the public.
The Vintage Fashion Guild Auction
This year, for the first time, we are auctioning a collection of vintage fashion items donated by generous members of the VFG. All proceeds go to the VFG.
The auction goes live on Tuesday April 19 and runs for 2 weeks, ending on May 3, with new items added through April 30. It all takes place on Instagram @vintagefashionguild
First rule: Come as you are!!
Everything being offered is authentic vintage or antique fashion-related. All descriptions include era, measurements, condition statement, materials and description of any special features.
Bonnie Cashin, Dior, Tabak, Valentino, Gunne Sax, Balmain, Biba, Gernreich, Miriam Haskell. Do we have your attention? Here’s a sneak peek of what you will find.
More details can be found in our forums (The First Ever VFG Fundraising Auction is Coming Soon).