With origins along the Tweed River bordering England and Scotland, the name tweed now is associated with a long list of fabrics, characteristically woolens, but also wool/manufactured fiber blends. The original tweeds were hairy and rough, now they are usually shaved, flattened and fulled in the finishing process. Still characteristic is the fairly coarse wool from which it is made.
Tweeds are usually in twill or plain weave, also seen is herringbone and basket weave. Their colors may be plain, heathered, marled, checked or plaid. Slubs are characteristic of some tweeds.
The name tweed is said to have originated in about 1840, when a London cloth merchant erroneously noted a consignment of “tweel” (Scottish name for twill) as tweed. Since the fabric was (and still is) made along the River Tweed, the name fits well.
Uses: Coats, slacks, skirts, suits
See also:
Donegal tweed
Harris tweed