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In 2009, the world lost the textile artist Mary Catherine Lamb. MC, as her friends knew her, was a renowned creator of art quilts. She also offered vintage clothing for sale, which brought her and her creativity and wit to the VFG. MC had a special fondness for vintage novelty labels—the kind of label that has a cute graphic, a clever name, or a visual pun. When MC Lamb died at the age of 60, her fellow VFG members started a Novelty Labels collection dedicated to her memory.

You may have seen the Novelty Labels gallery, aka MC’s Cute Labels on Parade, but if you haven’t looked at it recently you should revisit—These little gems now take up four pages, organized approximately by date.

Just a few of the many labels in the VFG’s Novelty Labels

If you have a vintage label that you think belongs in this gallery, please submit it here.