Style is Eternal – a new book by Vintage Fashion Guild member Nicole Jenkins.

Style is Eternal provides you with the tools to transform your wardrobe from faddish to stylish.
Nicole Jenkins shares her experience as a fashion buyer and stylist to navigate the essential additions to your wardrobe without breaking the bank, use accessories to create new outfits, convert your fashion faux pas into chic statements and travel with only hand luggage and still look classy.
Nicole reveals her tricks of the trade:
• How to make the most of your body shape
• How to create an authentic look
• When to combine classic staples with more contemporary fashionable pieces
• How to avoid those regrettable and expensive impulse buys
• How to have a wardrobe that will cover all your work and lifestyle options
• Practical tips on looking after your clothes.
Style is Eternal gives a beautiful step-by-step guide to understand and integrate fashion basics, classics and trends into a personalised signature look. It will encourage dressing with confidence and creativity.
23cm x 18cm x 1.5 cm
208 pages
(text reproduced courtesy Melbourne University Publishing)
Available at Circa Vintage, Australia’s largest online vintage clothing emporium.