Throughout history and all over the globe, the extraordinary pheasant has been hunted for game and sport, prized for its tail feathers and pelts, as well as being used for food and kept as pets. There are over 15 different species of pheasants, and many sub species. The most well known to the Western fashion world are the colorful male peacocks of Asia, the Long Tail pheasants such as the common RingNeck, and the Ruffed Lady Amhurst pheasant. Many more exotic pheasants such as the majestic Firebacks, the colorful Monals, the Grand Argus, and Japanese Mikado, are less well known, but equal in their beauty.
In Edwardian times the entire bird, head and all, could be found decorating a lady’s hat. Today, Long Tail pheasant feathers such as the Ringneck’s are the most commonly seen and are popular for use in millinery, but not to the extent as in former decades. Ringneck pheasant feathers are inexpensive and widely available, as they are farmed domestically and hunted for food use. Also occasionally used for jewelry and fashion accessories and trimmings.
See also: Peacock
Written by Rue de la Paix Hats,