The VFG believes that informed selling and buying communities are good for the vintage-fashion industry as a whole, and all visitors to the website have access to the VFG resources. These are continually updated and constantly evolving, thanks to a dedicated volunteer staff.
Our blog features our picks of the freshest vintage items, member news and articles. We have also created a growing series of articles on some classic designers.
The Vintage Fashion Guild™ (VFG) is an international organization dedicated to the promotion and preservation of vintage fashion.
The Vintage Fashion Guild™ (VFG) is an international community of people with expertise in vintage fashion. VFG members enjoy a wealth of resources, avenues for promoting their shops and specialties, and camaraderie with others who share a common interest and passion.
Elephant leather is primarily produced from the body of the African elephant. These skins are called panels. Other parts of the elephant are also used but in much smaller quantities.
Common colors include black, dark brown and tan but it can be dyed in a variety of colors. The leather is prized for its depth of character and texture, durability and softness.
Elephant leather is used to make belts, shoes, boots, jackets, upholstery, gun holsters and pool cues.
Written by vintagedevotion
Courtesy of southwedge
Courtesy of [email protected]
Elephant hide
Vintage elephant wallet